Avon’s Distribution Channels

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Background Note

The history of Avon can be traced back to 1885 when it was founded by David H. McConnell (McConnell), a traveling book salesman. In 1886, while going from house to house with his books, he found that his customers, especially women, were more interested in the free perfume samples he offered than the books he was selling.

He also recognized that many women had the potential to become good salespeople. He took up the perfume business more seriously and became a perfume entrepreneur. He incorporated California Perfume Company (CPC) and P.F.E Albee (Albee) was the first representative of the company. She travelled by horse, buggy, or even train to sell perfumes door-to-door...

Marketing Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Marketing, Case Studies
Marketing Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Marketing, Case Studies
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She also appointed other women as representatives. This method of selling directly to the customers went on to become the hallmark of Avon’s business model. Albee was called the ‘Mother of the California Perfume Company’. McConnell developed corporate principles which became the guidelines for Avon.........

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